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Neowin报道Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 Beta测试已经开始,一些测试人员收到如下信件:
"Dear Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 Beta Tester,
"Welcome to the Service Pack 4 beta!
For this beta program, BetaPlace and Newsgroup services will be available to you. BetaPlace is Microsoft’s technical beta web community where you can:
-Download the latest beta build—Please read the Release Notes and Known Issues before you install Service Pack 4
-Report bugs online
-Receive up to date program information and downloads if applicable
-Update your contact information
-Obtain general beta testing guidelines and information
Please note that those customers that have requested media will receive."
另外Neowin提供了Win2000 SP4 Beta的Express版(网络下载)英文版,你可以从这里下载,注意是Beta版,可能存在很多问题...
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