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Gaming in Utter Bliss
2006-12-18 17:37:00  出处:快科技 作者:cong 编辑:cong     评论(0)点击可以复制本篇文章的标题和链接

Gainward made a name for themselves years ago with their "Golden Sample" video card series. These cards were clocked up or had some other special features that set them apart. We really haven't heard a lot from Gainward over the past year, but MVKTech has a look at the Gainward BLISS 7950GT Golden Sample graphics card today that may help them become noticed once again.

早在數年前Gainward即以”Golden Sample”系列顯卡在顯卡版圖市場上闖出名號。”Golden Sample”系列顯卡更以其超頻效能或其他獨特的特性在顯卡市場上一枝獨秀。儘管近期並沒有很多關於Gainward的消息,但MVKTech針對Gainward BLISS 7950GT Golden Sample graphics card所做的深入報導將再度使Gainward受到注目。

"Gainward is a world leading producer of high-quality, high-end 3D accelerators for the personal computer market. Gainward offers a full product line of value adding products targeting gaming enthusiasts as well as entry-level consumers. NVIDIA's venerable G71 chip has been going strong for a while now. It's seen action as the GeForce 7900 GTX and coupled with a twin for some GX2 internal SLI loving, which was marketed as the fastest graphics card in town."

MVKTech在該篇深入報導中對Gainward評論到 ”Gainward以製造高品質、高價繪圖加速器在個人電腦市場上居於世界級領導地位。該公司為遊戲狂熱份子及入門階級消費者提供全線加值產品。”

Gainward BLISS 7950 GT Golden Sample

Written by Mavke Saturday, 09 December 2006


For the most part, the specifications of the GeForce 7950 GT directly resemble those of the high-end GeForce 7900 GTX, but narrowed down slightly. So you can see the GeForce 7950 GT as a card to leverage the performance a bit higher then the previous GT version, but still a bit behind the GTX. The Gainward version with the Golden Sample suffix goes even further, as it is being released as a pre-overclocked version.

Gainward released more then one version of the GeForce 7950 GT graphics card, which differs a bit from the reference design. Gainward first came with a BLISS 7950 GT 512MB design, actually a reference design but with a different cooling solution. It is clocked as the reference design set out by NVIDIA, so 450MHz core and 1400MHz memory speed. Quickly following that was the first Golden Sample edition, with has only 256MB memory but was clock at 580/1500MHz to outperform the competition. And yes to make it complete, Gainward finally released a 512MB version of the Golden Sample.

Gainward推出了一系列GeForce 7950 GT 顯卡,此款顯卡略不同於Nvidia推出的GeForce 7950 GT參照設計版本。首先,Gainward推出BLISS 7950 GT 512MB設計版本,此款顯卡實際上與參照設計版本相同,但使用了不同的散熱技術,其核心頻率與記憶體頻率分別為450MHz 及1400MHz,與Nvidia推出的版本相同。緊接著BLISS 7950 GT 512MB版本,Gainward隨即推出Golden Sample版本,雖然僅配備250MB記憶體容量,但其核心頻率及記憶體頻率分別超頻為580MHz及1500MHz,在性能上遠超過其競爭者。而為了使其Golden Sample版本顯卡更趨完美,在眾所期待下,Gainward終於推出512MB的Golden Sample版本顯卡。

Enhanced Performance & Overclocking


When looking at the Gainward version of the GeForce 7950 GT implementation, and especially the Golden Sample edition we somehow got the feeling that this card is capable of more. The looks and design suspect that this Golden Sample has been designed to deliver stunning performance, but that some still have to be discovered. And that is exactly what we have done. First of all like most pre-overclocked versions, Gainward opted for a slight increase of the core voltage bringing it up to 1.35V steering the G71 chip. Most cards are currently shipped and set at only 1.25V which limits the overclocking potential. With the extra boost in voltage the G71 of the BLISS 7950 GT Golden Sample should able to catch up with the GeForce 7900 GTX by increasing the clock speeds.

深入研究Gainward GeForce 7950 GT 的顯示效能,特別針對其Golden Sample 版本,我們發現GeForce 7950 GT Golden Sample 版本的顯示效能實際上具備更多的可能性。與其他超頻前的版本相同,Gainward些許增加晶片的核心電壓,而針對G71晶片,Gainward增加其核心電壓至1.35V;值得一提的是,多數目前推出的顯卡核心電壓僅1.25V,這將限制顯卡的超頻潛力。而Gainward對BLISS 7950 GT Golden Sample 版本採用的G71晶片所增加的核心電壓在超頻後速度將趕上GeForce 7900 GTX。

The Golden Sample is even more special as it features as we have shown Samsung 512MB GDDR3 memory rated at 1.2ns, or actually good for 1600MHz. This is quite a change as all other GeForce 7950 GT's just come with 1.4ns, which means 1400MHz. With the extra voltage and the better memory, we just hit an awesome overclocking of 675/1800MHz. Compared to the stock speeds of the Golden Sample of 580/1500MHz this is quite an increase.  What? Yeah indeed we got the Gainward card above and beyond the GeForce 7900 GTX settings. One note though, not every sample might be able to hit these speeds... But, before we forget to mention, this is with the stock cooling solution designed by Gainward. Well done Gainward, for the overclocking beyond our senses! 

Golden Sample的特別之處在於其512MB、GDDR3、1600MHz記憶體速度的處理效能,與其他僅具備1400MHz記憶體速度的7950GT系列顯卡相較,這是個很大的改變。靠著此張顯卡增加的核心電壓以及記憶體頻率,我們的超頻數字達到675/1800MHz,與Gainward訂定的580/1500MHz相較之下是很大的突破。

Final Thoughts


Boasting higher performance in comparison with the GeForce 7950 GT, the Gainward BLISS 7950 GT Golden Sample graphics card has achieved a victory over its market opponents. There is no denying that this is a seriously fast, impressive graphics accelerator. While Gainward had been thinking out of the box when designing the Golden Sample edition of the GeForce 7950 GT, it does make it all worthwhile. Innovation, being different and providing excellent products is what Gainward stand for, and the way to do this is certainly in favor of Gainward. Their Golden Sample range has a new addition which certainly deserves to be in that list, by being without doubt the best GeForce 7950 GT graphics card made so far.

與其他競爭者所推出的GeForce 7950 GT顯卡相較,Gainward BLISS 7950 GT Golden Sample顯卡已在顯卡市場上贏得勝利。無可否認的,Gainward BLISS 7950 GT Golden Sample顯卡在速度及其各方面的表現的確是令人印象深刻的繪圖加速器。

With Gainward and its company commitment to bring the end user the best possible video card experience and customer support, you are sure to have a professional experience. Gainward puts the consumer first and offers one of the best sales and support staff in the business. Each staff member is highly trained and very skilled at there responsibilities and you will get prompt professional help. Gainward certainly knows how to differentiate themselves and their products, and are second to none when it comes to innovation and going one step further than the competition. We can only encourage Gainward on having taken this approach. Keep up the good work and excellent track record!




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