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其中值得关注的有Antivirus和Antispyware 2005,Longhorn Server beta one和the client beta,Office 12 beta,Istanbul Voice over IP client。
在此列表里提到了许多64位的产品,诸如Biztalk 2004以及我们期待很久的Windows XP 64。
Windows 2003 Server R2
Biztalk 2004 64
Commerce Server 2002 64
Windows XP x64
Windows Server 2003 x64
SQL 2000 Service Pack 4
Virtual Server 2005 Service Pack 1
Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1
Encarta 2006
Money 2006
Longhorn Beta (client)
Longhorn Server Beta 1
Exchange 2003 Service Pack 2 (includes some elements of Edge Services like Sender ID)
Monthly IMF updates for Exchange 2003
MSN Messenger 7
MSN Search web
MSN Search desktop
Corperate Error Reporting 3.0
Automated Deployment Services 2.0
ISA 2004 Service Pack 1
Office 12 Beta
Small Business Server 2003 Service Pack 1
Windows Update Services (SUS 2.0)
Sharepoint Portal Server 2005
ISA 2004 Enterprise Edition
Microsoft Data Protection Server (DPS)
Windows PE 2005
Windows 2000 Security Rollup Pack 2
ADAM 2.0
System Center 2005 (SMS 2003 sp1, MOM 2005, SQL reporting)
Visual Studio 2005
Visual Studio 2005 express editions (C#, VB, ……)
Visual Studio 2005 Team System
SQL Server 2005
SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
AntiVirus and AntiSpyware 2005
Windows Server 2003 Compute Cluster Edition
Hot Patch Technology Support (part of common engineering initiative)
.NET Framework 2.0
Commerce Server 2006 beta
ASP.net 2.0
Network Access Protection (NAP)
Windows Update (support for more MS products)
"Instanbul" Windows Messenger (Voip client for LCS 2005)
Xbox 2 US release ?
Fingeprint reader in Intellimouse Explorer
Windows Mobile 2005 (3G [UMTS] , Wifi, VGA)
ActiveSync 4.0
Live Meeting 2005
Office for Small Business Management
Office 2003 sp2 ?
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