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每日游戏,NovaLogic宣布Joint Operations(联合作战)
2003-07-08 11:00:00  出处:快科技 作者:P兔毛毛 编辑:P兔毛毛     评论(0)点击可以复制本篇文章的标题和链接

以推出《三角洲部队》系列游戏而著称的Novalogic今天宣布将在今年秋季推出名为“Joint Operations(联合作战)”的新款PC游戏,这款PC游戏的背景发生在未来的印度尼西亚,国家面临分裂的危险,地方独立运动获得先进武器,国家武装力量也分裂成几个派别,逐渐发展的暴利活动危及到普通百姓和西方国家在印度尼西亚的利益。。。

Joint Operations(联合作战)游戏的特色:

Fly helicopters, pilot boats, and drive fast attack vehicles as part of a skilled combat team, firing on the move.

Developed using the Black Hawk engine, Joint Operations promises superior rendering technology and an enhanced 3rd generation multiplayer experience.

Use LCAC's (Landing Craft Air Cushioned) or Chinook helicopters to transport teammates and vehicles from island to island or across expansive terrain for mass troop deployment.

Wage war with drivable modern combat vehicles and up to 64 players online via the NovaWorld games service, or through LAN.

Play as either a member of the Joint Operations Force or an Indonesian Separatist, with a choice of weapons and vehicles at your disposal.

Realistic "super-foliated" maps. Travel on vehicles across vast terrains or use the dense jungle canopy for cover while on foot.

Numerous multiplayer game types including co-operative mode.

Take out targets and remove threats in single player mode while gaining valuable experience in vehicle control and weapons handling



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